Monday, July 1, 2013


183rd Annual General Conference of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Priesthood Session, 7 April 2013

Key Doctrines and Principles:
Elder Hales taught, “ Use your agency to develop yourself personally. . . [by letting] the Spirit guide you.” He explained that obedience to commandments protects agency from addictions and prepares us to serve. Diligent obedience and temple worthiness helps us “build progressive spiritual strength” to prepare “and promise to live the law of consecration.” This strength permits us to use “our agency to act for ourselves” and aids in growth as we learn doctrine and share our testimony.

We are living in the last days, in ‘perilous times’ (2 Timothy 3:1). . . . Bearers of the priesthood . . . have the responsibility to stand strong with a shield of faith . . . [as] role models to the world, protecting God-given, inalienable rights and freedoms. We stand in defense of our homes and our families. . . . If we are faithful in the priesthood, this armor, [the Apostle Paul taught about in Ephesians 6:13–17], will be given to us as a gift from God. We need this armor!”

“Young men, your fathers and grandfathers never faced the temptations that you face on a regular basis. You are living in the last days. . . .Today temptation finds you! Please remember that! Satan desires to have you . . . How will you resist his aggressive tactics? Put on the whole armor of God.”

Favorite Quotes:
“A true friend doesn’t ask us to choose between the gospel and his or her friendship. From such turn away (2 Timothy 3:5).” A true friend strengthens us to stay on the strait and narrow path.”

“Choose and act for yourself. Be motivated from within. Make a plan for your life, including education or vocational training. Explore interests and skills. Work and become self-reliant. Set goals, overcome mistakes, gain experience, and finish what you begin. . . . Be sure to participate . . . enjoy wholesome fun.  . . .Above all, have faith in the Savior! Fear not!”

 “Consider how the Savior stood strong . . . Jesus faithfully went about His Father’s business, preaching the gospel . . . teaching, healing, serving, and blessing and lifting others. When appropriate, He boldly stood against evil, even cleansing the temple (Matthew 21:12–13). He also stood for truth—whether with words or with dignified silence . . .  [He] wisely and courageously refused to respond to untruth and held His peace (Matthew 26:57, 59–63). . . . Let us glorify God’s name by standing strong with our Savior, Jesus Christ.” 

So what:  
“Sometimes we become the lightning rod, and we must “take the heat” for holding fast to God’s standards and doing His work. I testify that we need not be afraid if we are grounded in His doctrine. . . . we are never alone. . . . It is our sacred privilege to stand with [the Savior]! Ironically, standing strong sometimes means avoiding and even fleeing from the world.”

“As we diligently live the gospel, we become strong in the Lord . . . to stand against any philosophy or creed that denies the Savior and contradicts the great, eternal plan of happiness for all of God’s children.”

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