Thursday, January 9, 2014


         FDREL 261

This week I begin a new adventure - a introductory Family History class at Brigham Young University - Idaho. It is an exciting opportunity to systematically acquire genuine skills in how to begin and continue doing research, as well as document and preserve that research for anyone the might benefit from it.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints teaches many doctrines of great hope and happiness for all people that now live, all that have ever lived, and all that ever will live.

 I testify that these doctrines are true:

     1. God is a loving Father to every person born on earth.

     2. His commandments are guidelines and rules whereby anyone can become like Him - like their loving father.

     3. Every person that accepts Jesus Christ, either in this life or after this life, will live in a happier and more joyful state than known in life on this earth.

     4. Any member of the church that wants to may help others find such promised joy.

     5. We each have a duty and obligation to share these truths with as many people as possible.

On the right hand side of this blog there is a link to my profile on (keep scrolling until you see the picture of the temple) and many of the key beliefs that motivate and guide my life; just click on the picture of the Columbia River Temple.

I am grateful to be able to share these doctrinal truths with you, my reader, and you may share these things with anyone you wish to help find greater happiness. When you do you act as a proxy for me: so many people - so little time!

Additional testimonies and beliefs about many topics may be found by entering search terms in the search box at the top left, or by viewing posts on my personal blog, Time In A Blogttle the same way. Try a few: Jesus Christ, love, testimony, hope . . . use your imagination . . . what would you ask me about if we were having lunch? Maybe the answer is already here!

P.S. when Papa was poking around looking at links with me he found a link to the following on Family Search: Family History Lab 261 from BYU. It may not be exactly the same as my class, but it appears to be mostly the same course of study. If you want to learn family history this class is the introductory basic.