Tuesday, June 4, 2013


183rd Annual  General Conference of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Sunday morning, 7 April 2013

Key Doctrines and Principles: 
President Packer opened his talk with a poem about aging and learning more as we get older. He has added to over the years. A wise kernel of truth, I personally agree with is, “I would not barter age for youth, I’d have too much to lose. . . . I am quite content to move ahead, To yield my youth, however grand. The thing I’d lose if I went back Is what I understand.”One thing he consistently testifies of is the divinity of Jesus Christ.

He then explained some additional things he understands. “The adversary is about. His objective is to cause injury . . . and destroy the family.” He taught that there is safety in living and honoring covenants “and living up to the ordinary acts of obedience required of the followers of Christ.”

President Packer stated, “The consummate power of the priesthood has been given to protect the home and its inhabitants.” I don’t ever remember hearing this doctrine previously. It really stood out to me. I have heard of many ways the Priesthood can act and serve but this was very specific and he outlined duties of a father and the efficacy of a righteous mother’s faith. He also discussed many of the same principles of moral agency that he has taught in the past and again emphasized that “all are born with the Light of Christ” to help discern between good and evil.

Favorite Quotes:

“We will not always be safe from the adversary’s influence, even within our own homes. We need to protect our nestlings. We live in a very dangerous world . . . under attack from forces seen and unseen. The adversary is about. His objective is to cause injury . . . and destroy the family . . . We find safety and security . . .  in honoring the covenants we have made and living up to the ordinary acts of obedience . . ."

"The consummate power of the priesthood has been given to protect the home and its inhabitants. The father has the authority and responsibility to teach his children and to bless and to provide for them the ordinances of the gospel and every other priesthood protection necessary. He is to demonstrate love and fidelity and honor to the mother so that their children can see that love."

“Faith is a real power, not just an expression of belief. There are few things more powerful than the faithful prayers of a righteous mother.”

“All are born with the Light of Christ, . . . What we do with that light . . . is part of the test of mortality (Moroni 7:16). ”

 "Each of us must stay in condition to respond to inspiration and the promptings of the Holy Ghost. . . . Each [child] of God can know the things they need to know instantly.”

So What: 
    I need to “learn to receive and act on inspiration and revelation."As we follow the prophets, we can instantly receive warnings, guidance and protection that we need by listening for the promptings of the Holy Ghost and by being worthy enough to accept them, to not only understand them but also to act upon them

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