Monday, June 17, 2013


183rd Annual General Conference of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Saturday afternoon, 7 April 2013

Key Doctrines and Principles:
Elder Nelson taught, “An unprecedented wave of enthusiasm for missionary work is sweeping the entire earth . . . a wave of truth and righteousness” . . . [it] is wondrous! It is not man-made! It comes from the Lord, who said, ‘I will hasten my work in its time’(Doctrine and Covenants 88:73).”
God desires every person to have equal unfettered opportunities to enjoy every privilege and all happiness they desire. The truths restored by Joseph Smith complement and enhance truth found in the Bible. The Book of Mormon, and other scriptures now available, detail the fulfillment of many Bibical prophecies and clarify many ancient doctrines and practices.

Elder Nelson explains how to embrace, prepare, and catch the wave.

         “Teenagers, embrace your new curriculum and teach one another . . . Now is your time . . .

         Parents, teachers, and others, catch the wave as you prepare  . . .  to give an answer to those who ask why you live as you do. Be ready to give a reason for the hope and joy that they see in you. When such questions come, you might respond by saying, ‘Let’s ask the missionaries! They can help us!’. . .

          Adults, catch the wave with help for the spiritual, physical, and financial preparation of future missionaries. Pinching pennies for piggy banks becomes part of your practice. . .

         Senior couples, you plan for the day when you can go on your mission. Until then . . . send your dollars on missions by contributing to the General Missionary Fund . . .

         Increasing numbers . . . catch the wave as they are called to preside over missions of the Church. In that service they will shape the destiny of generations born and unborn. . . .

          [Leaders] . . . on each ward council are beginning to catch the wave . . . The ward mission leader. . . is crucial, truly crucial to the success of this work. If [they] catch the wave with faith and enthusiasm, others will also. . . .[They] are the connecting link between members and missionaries in this sacred work . . .

         Our inquiring friends and neighbors not of our faith can also catch the wave. We encourage them to keep all that is good and true in their lives. And we invite them to receive more.” (Emphasis mine.)

Favorite Quotes:
  “An unprecedented wave of enthusiasm for missionary work is sweeping the entire earth . . . a wave of truth and righteousness . . . see your opportunity to be on the crest of that wave . . . [it] is wondrous! It is not man-made! It comes from the Lord, who said, “I will hasten my work in its time.” . . . Our living God is a loving God! John 17:3 . . . And He wants His children to gain immortality and eternal life! Moses 1:39

 “I cannot speak of the Restoration in tempered tones. This fact of history is absolutely stunning! It is incredible! It is breathtaking! How amazing is it that messengers from heaven came to give authority and power to this work? Our Eternal Father and Jesus Christ made multiple appearances to the Prophet Joseph Smith. Under Their direction, other heavenly messengers came, each with a specific purpose.”

“The Book of Mormon is the centerpiece of the Restoration. It was written, preserved, and transmitted under the Lord’s direction. It was translated “by the gift and power of God.” [1] The book of Doctrine and Covenants contains many additional revelations given to the Prophet Joseph Smith.”

So what:  
Elder Nelson invites all members and missionaries to work together to “invite all to learn of God, of Jesus Christ, and of His gospel,” and invites each of us to “be on the crest of that wave.” He also instructs that, “Each inquiring individual should seek earnestly and pray fervently for the assurance that these things are true. The truth will be manifest by the power of the Holy Ghost. (Moroni 10:4–5) Each of us should know for ourselves these things are true. When we know this, we have a great desire to fulfill our duty and responsibility to help others know such joy.

[1] Title page of the Book of Mormon, authored by Moroni; Doctrine and Covenants 135:3

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